Today I am... watching a Back to the Future marathon. This is the first time I have ever seen these movies and as part II is half-way finished I am starting to see this common theme of "rejection" and how it impacts future events.
None of us like rejection and if you are like me, then you do your best to avoid putting yourself in situations where someone else can turn you down or turn you away from what you are seeking.
In the movie the main characters travel back and forth through time trying to avoid missing out on love, not getting the right job, or the continuous bullying from high school to adulthood. How can we emulate this idea without a time machine? If we are taking lessons from the movie it seemed that the main characters always applied courage and knowledge to each situation in order to get the best residual outcome. Being courageous changed the entire trajectory of each situation and then rejection was not even an option. So after this small analysis of Back to the Future I have been thinking a lot about how rejection is a reflection of my lack of courage or applied courage and the inability for me to apply knowledge to a situation... because I am focused on the what I will feel like if I am rejected.
Today I Am... learning how being courageous, bold and confident can eliminate the "rejection reflection" of myself!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
thinking about my "Rejection Reflection"

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Courage, Boldness and Confidence!! I like those. Your rejection reflection was insightful. I mean wouldn't we all love a time machine. It's not easy to face rejection and then move on without some fear. But as you say we CAN learn how to move past rejection and our fears. I think it begins first with us not rejecting ourselves.
You know... if you think about it we are not really rejected often. I think this... not being used to hearing "no" then it is just weird and outlandish. Things like not getting a job... we get used to and do not take it personal any longer. So I suppose if we took more risk, thus possibly getting rejected more... we would get used to hearing "no" and then we could live with ourselves. LOL
I agree with you. And everyone has their strengths in life or as one girl said "their superpower" My strengths may not be yours and vice versa, but you use the strengths in your life to move through the rejection. Because as sure as their is a God, there will be rejection. Also rejection needs to be put in perspective because sometimes it really is not about us, or who we are, but I do recognize how hard that is in the moment
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