I love Facebook like so many others; I use it to connect with friends in my life, stay connected with long-distance family and stretch my culinary mind with a little game called, Cafe World. I have been a Facebook member since its inception and since the start of 2010 Facebook has become the platform, I check first. Before email, voice-mail, or snail mail but a recent conversation with a good friend has me concerned with how we, yes even myself, are choosing to use Facebook and other social networking platforms.
I called my friend at work because I had not heard from her and this is sort of the last resort place to find her. After I found out that she was okay, she proceeded to ask me how I was doing and then added, "From your updates on Facebook, things seem to be going fine." I of course, said things were great... well because they are going great, for the most part. After we ended the phone call her statement about my status updates stuck with me and has thus I am writing this blog post. Here is what I have to say to readers:

I am not telling you all of this so that you can feel sorry for or me and check on "me". It is not just about me, it is about your friends, family, strangers who randomly friended or followed you because they saw something that intrigued them... CHECK ON THEM! If you have not noticed an update from someone... call them! If you have seen an update and things don't seem normal...go visit them! If you know a person who bottles up the bad times... send them a hand-written note to say that you were thinking of them!
I am not saying to take each status update an analyze them. I am saying ask yourself, “Am I being a good friend?” If you are reading this blog then I am sure you have the common sense to use this blog and apply it to your life, where and if needed.
Today I Am... #justsaying Facebook is not a replacement for checking up on your loved ones! We all have problems but connecting with others can some times shed light or give hope!
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