Visiting the Nate Show
As many of you know, I am a life-long seamstress. From makingmy own clothes in the old days (you try to buy a wardrobe on $75 a week!), these days I am sewing for the home. I know the personal sense of confidence and mastery I feel from "doing it myself," and I thought that might be a useful skill to pass along to this young lady.
She moved to New York last year, very highly educated, but unable to find a job in her field. Which meant, unable to fix up her spacious apartment the way she wanted. Her bedroom was literally a bed - nothing more. So barren was the room, it made her so sad, she slept on the couch, rather than a room that made her sad to realize how much 'wasn't' happening with her job search. With tears she told me the room made her feel like a failure. She answered a call made by Nate for folks who needed help with their decor.
Nate called me in to help. Our budget was limited, but I knew I wanted both the maximum bang for the buck -- and -- for our young lady to 'have some skin' in the game. I wanted her to help create whatever we did for her room.
Well, we did a lot! You'll see the results of her apartment on the Nate Show, but suffice it to say, she was thrilled -- and this time the tears in her eyes, were tears of joy.
One of my tricks was to take a super inexpensive wool/jute rug ($89 at Ikea!) and 'customize' it by taping a border around the edges, painting it, and removing the tape. We did a black border so it would be more versatile, but it's a great way to bring a custom color into your room.
Well, it was a thrill for me to be on Nate's show -- he's such a cutie! And awfully nice. But it was a bigger thrill to see the look on this young lady's face -- both when she saw her room and was in the studio to be on national tv!!