Today was a great day (probably because I didn't go to work) and I felt so inspired by my favorite TV show Ugly Betty. If you have seen it before you know that's based on a young girl, living in NYC, starting her writing career in the wonderful industry of fashion. With fashion, come beautiful models---right?!? Nevertheless, it also comes with an "Ugly Betty" the person who comes just as they are and, as the show demonstrates, comes out on top because they were true to themselves. Okay so enough about Betty! I felt so inspired to get up and go to the gym! Wahooooooo!
I have been avoiding the gym for 30 years (yes, I am 30!) and today I was really excited about it because it hit me that there is more to do in the gym than get on a treadmill, stare at the closed captions that you cannot actually read because you are wondering... "Will I pass out" AND "why is this machine squealing so loud!” So anyway, I decided to go swimming at the gym today. I jumped up from the couch, turned off the TV and scurried off to my room to put on my swimming gear and grab a towel. Walking out the door, I felt empowered.
Pulling up to the gym and parking, I realized that I forgot to load the empowerment into the car with me and bring it to the gym. I was scared to go in! Therefore, I sat in my car and put it in my head that the people passing will just simply think I am waiting for someone. LOL
After 5 minutes (that seemed like 30), I got out of my car and realized that I did not have my towel with me! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Okay so I go in anyway telling myself that I do not need a towel. Then I thought about the distance between the locker room and the pool and realized that I didn't need my towel to dry off... I needed it to cover the fluffy lower region. Therefore, I briskly walked right back out of the gym, got back into my car and headed back towards the house to get a towel. I don't live that far from the gym but God knows me better than I know me--gently He said, "You need to buy a towel from Walgreens.” I obeyed.

I went back to the gym and made it to the pool without any obscene comments, pointing, or laughter. I was happy to find some water weights and the noodles. So I conjured up some old
water aerobic routines and after all of that... I feel great!
Today I am... happy I got moving!