Saturday, May 29, 2010


It is the fifth day that I have been drinking plain ol' water and the 3rd day in a row of get moving (a.k.a. exercising).  A brief update on the water is... It has been a great experience thus far with some moments when I almost attacked an innocent friend for their delicious looking lemonade!  I have started to feel the benefits of drinking just water but the "getting moving" is a whole other subject!

Starting any workout plan is not easy.  So the benefits come in the form of pain.  I think that people have generally just started using the pain to measure how "good" their workout is.  With that said... the pain I supposed is a good thing! LOL

For day 3 I decided to "get moving" by going back to Bally's Gym.  This time I did not get into the pool in fear that I would run into another person who was at the gym on vacation... so, today I hit the treadmill and a stationary bike and worked out for 45 minutes total.  I went 1.5 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill and then spent 15 minutes on the stationary bike.  I feel good and ready to take on day 6/4!

While riding the treadmill I read the newest edition of the "Ali Magazine".  The magazine targets women who are interested in starting a business and growing their personal wealth.  One of the articles in the magazine focused on mogal and fashionista, Kimora Lee Simmons.  Now I love KLS and her clothing, perfume, makeup, book, tv reality show... you get the point! So I was happy to find some information about some of the business pointers from KLS's point of view.  I thought they were applicable to whatever goals we set for ourself and I wanted to share them with you. 

So here ya go!

  1. Think big, very big
  2. Keep growing 
  3. Do not listen to critics 
  4. Tell it like it is 
  5. Be independent 
  6. Be creative 
  7. Become the brand 
  8. Embody glamour and power 
  9. Give back

Today I am... happy to share good information -- That is my way of "giving back" for today!


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