Starting any workout plan is not easy. So the benefits come in the form of pain. I think that people have generally just started using the pain to measure how "good" their workout is. With that said... the pain I supposed is a good thing! LOL

While riding the treadmill I read the newest edition of the "Ali Magazine". The magazine targets women who are interested in starting a business and growing their personal wealth. One of the articles in the magazine focused on mogal and fashionista, Kimora Lee Simmons. Now I love KLS and her clothing, perfume, makeup, book, tv reality show... you get the point! So I was happy to find some information about some of the business pointers from KLS's point of view. I thought they were applicable to whatever goals we set for ourself and I wanted to share them with you.
- Think big, very big
- Keep growing
- Do not listen to critics
- Tell it like it is
- Be independent
- Be creative
- Become the brand
- Embody glamour and power
- Give back
Today I am... happy to share good information -- That is my way of "giving back" for today!
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