Sunday, May 30, 2010


Today I discovered a great way to "get moving"!  About two years ago I saw an infomercial about a workout called "Turbo Jam".   I remember thinking, "Wow, they are having so much fun!"  Of course I didn't purchase the "exclusive offer" at that time but a year later I purchased a copy of the workout program for $9.99 on eBay.  After getting the DVD in the mail, I put it on the shelf with all the other workout programs and never thought about it again.  If you already read Day 5/3 then you will notice me holding a sign in front of Bally's Gym.  It used to say "Day 4" on it however, I had to alter the photo to fit the right day.  Originally, I was going to work out at the gym but time got the best of me and I had to "get moving" at home.  I pulled out the DVD and to my surprise, it is actually a lot of fun! The music is great and the creator Chalene Johnson is very motivating and a great dancer!

If you are looking for a new workout program to do in the comfort of your own home I would recommend TurboJam.  It is for any fitness level and you can start today and not feel guilty about all the workouts you missed in the past.

The water is getting easier to drink and today my closest (self-appointed) accountability buddy said they were proud of me!  I'll drink to that! (Water, of course)

Today I am... happy to know I have some dedication left in these bones!

About Turbo Jam

Turbo Jam® is the workout that doesn't feel like work. Chalene Johnson packs each workout with calorie-blasting cardio, kickboxing, body-sculpting, and dance moves set to the hottest music ever. You're scorching fat and sizzling calories at a rate of up to 1,000 an hour . . . It's fast. It's fun. It works.


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